fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe Google 截图工具 捕捉网页截图,编辑并将它们保存为PDF,JPEG,GIF,PNG或BMP;上传,打印,在Photoshop中打开,复制到剪贴板或电子邮件 上传者:ZacharyZheng1时间:2019-11-09 Fireshot(firefox截图插件)V0.98.64中文版 Fireshot是一款可以在firefox火狐浏览器上使用的插件工具,可以使用多种方式将...
OS build 19042.906. I clicked on chrome plugin and selected Capture Entire Page and edit. After a couple minutes of making changes, FireShot just closed. When I clicked on the plugin, it only had the selection to Capture Entire Page and then opened it in another browser. I selected somethi...
Join Date: Mar 2021 I just discovered that some screenshots I took with fireshot were not saved as png or jpg but rather as msdos application - is there a way to open them in fireshot? what can I do ? Windows 10 - and chrome - not sure what version of plugin I was using at th...
背景:给弟弟在百度文库上面的卷子想打印,要积分,只好截图把广告删除掉再打印,发现长点的套题试卷截图是空图片,用Firefox下的好多截图扩展都不行,FireShot满足了我的需求,不错。 Pearl Crescent Page Saver,Page Saver可以让你将网页转化为图片,包括网页上的Flash也能同时被转化。网页可以按照你的要求保存为PNG或者JP...
FIRESHOT-CHROME-PLUGIN.EXE / fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe + 安装路径 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\FireShot\\fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe + 文件描述 FireShot Native API Host + 版本 0, 0, 0, 0+ 产品名称 FireShot Webpage Captures +...
fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe is part of FireShot Webpage Captures and developed by according to the fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe version information. fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe's description is "FireShot Native API Host" ...
FIRESHOT-CHROME-PLUGIN.EXE / fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe + 安装路径 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\FireShot\\fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe + 文件描述 FireShot Native API Host + 版本 0, 0, 0, 0 + 产品名称 FireShot Webpage Captures ...
fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe Google 截图工具 捕捉网页截图,编辑并将它们保存为PDF,JPEG,GIF,PNG或BMP;上传,打印,在Photoshop中打开,复制到剪贴板或电子邮件 上传者:ZacharyZheng1时间:2019-11-09 谷歌浏览器截全网页插件 是一款非常好用的网页截图软件,可以截取整个网页、选择截图、可视区域截图等,而且还非常稳定。