In my home state alone, I've attempted to work in approximately 30 different counties. Of those 30 counties, no more than 10 of them were the kinds of counties Iwanted to go back and do repeat business in. Granted, if my life depended on it… I could probably make it work in almost...
During his three years in Bonn, this determined young cook was participating in culinary competitions, signing up for a dessert competition in his first year. “I got third place, and the following year I won first place. It was really cool, the comps were sponsored by a choc...
The best way to figure out what a home should cost is to look at sale prices for similar homes in the neighborhood. Comps! We had been looking at homes in our new neighborhood for about two years and saw three other examples of the model we just purchased: $600,000: This one is on...
This is my special place. I write here for personal joy and fulfillment. Writing has always brought me a sense of calm. You can read about my photo adventures, thoughts on living an inspired life, and I’ll be sure to post educational tools as well. In addition to writings, you can ...