Last modified: 08 October 2024 Edit | Find Usages | Find Usages Settings CtrlAltShiftF7 The dialog also opens when you clickin theShow Usagespopup which lists all the occurrences of the symbol at caret. Fields, variables and parameters
将SqlFindUsageProvider 注册到plugin.xml: <idea-plugin><extensionsdefaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"><lang.findUsagesProviderlanguage="sql"implementationClass="com.dbn.sql.usage.SqlFindUsageProvider"/></extensions></idea-plugin> 启动沙箱IDEA,编写一个简单的SQL验证下,在表别名(对应的 PSI 元素是 SqlTabl...
IntelliJ IDEA 快捷键锦囊【导航篇】—— 跳转到测试类(Go to Test) 1290 -- 0:19 App IntelliJ IDEA 快捷键锦囊【导航篇】—— 最近的文件(Recent Files) 2272 -- 14:00:00 App 新版STM32全套视频教程从入门到精通完整版 1044 -- 0:15 App IntelliJ IDEA自动补全Bean的注入 3624 -- 12:27:35 Ap...
This section describes the controls for specifying Package Usage Search options in the Find Usages dialog. Item Description Find In this area, specify the objects to search. Usages - if this checkbox is selected, the search is performed for all references of the package by its name in the ...
TheFind Usagesaction is a multi-step process, and each step of the process requires involvement from the custom language plugin. In cases like function parameters and local variables, consider overridingPsiElement.getUseScope()to return a narrower scope. For instance, returning the scope of the ne...
idea find usages是intellij idea的一个功能,可以查找代码中的各种元素的用法,如字段、变量、参数、类、标签、属性、引用等。下面是一些关于idea find usages的用法示例: -查找字段用法:打开idea,进入需要查找的代码文件,选择需要查找的字段,点击右键,选择Find Usages,在查找窗口中选择Usage in .class,点击确定,即可跳...
我的Intellij IDEA 突然有一天,使用Find Usages 却找不到任何引用, 借鉴stackoverflow方式解决了此问题 File > InValidate Cache / Restart > Invalidate And Restart, ...
Tested Functionality:11. Find Usages Provider tip This page is part of multistepTesting a Custom Language Plugintutorial. Define the Test Data Create theFindUsagesTestData.simplefile in thetestDatadirectory. # You are reading the ".properties" entry.! The exclamation mark can also mark text ...
UsageInfo info = assertOneElement(usages); assertEquals("", info.getFile().getName()); } 开发者ID:jskierbi,项目名称:intellij-ce-playground,代码行数:23,代码来源 示例3: create ▲点赞 3▼ importcom.intellij.find.impl.FindInProjectUtil;//导入方法依赖的package包/类...
We've just released IntelliJ IDEA 132.719, the next preview build of the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 13. This update brings you improved Find Usages: frequently used symbols e.g. getInstance(), getName(), etc.) appear faster than before, thanks to the extended index t…...