To find your LLC’s Employer Identification Number (EIN), call the Business & Specialty Tax Line at 1-800-829-4933. If you’re searching for any business’s EIN, try an online search, check their credit report, or contact their payroll or accounting department. Form Your LLC for Just $...
If an EIN is lost or misplaced, it is not possible to look it up online. An EIN or employer identification number is a nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to organizations with and without employees. It’s also referred to as a Federal Tax Identification Number or bu...
Looking up the Employer EIN (Employer Identification Number)– The Department of Education has a great resource called thePSLF Help Tool. Borrowers can investigate employer eligibility using the employer’s EIN. The SEC hasa search engine that allows people to look up a company’s EIN, though th...
How to Find My Federal Employer Identification Number How Can Someone Find Out Who Owns a Business? Read More:How to Find a Company's EIN Number Look at a form W-2 or form 1099 that the company issued. Companies use these forms to report payments to employees and contractors. An employe...