用Excel计算美式期权 | Financial Modeling 16 - Option 26:21 金融建模 17 | 期权: 用Excel计算“员工认股权”价格 | Financial Modeling 17 Employee Stock Option 33:32 金融建模 18 | 如何用Excel计算上证50ETF期权价格 | Financial Modeling 18 SH50ETF Option Pricing 38:47 金融建模 19 | 如何用Excel...
04 金融建模 36 | 通过金融建模给B站账号定价估值 - Financial Modeling 36 - FM To Value Your Channel 35:05 金融建模 45 | 如何通过Excel及经验生命表计算保险年缴保费 | Insurance Premium Calculation 26:48 金融建模 41 | 通过Jarque Bera检验金融数据是否符合正太分布 - Financial Modeling 41 Jarque Bera...
金融建模 05 | 通过Excel构建资产组合有效前沿(Efficient Frontier) 1040 -- 17:13 App 一场直播讲完全部期权知识:期权基础 789 1 21:29 App 沉浸式Financial Modeling Test - Tier One Hedge Fund 上 1928 -- 17:02 App 隐含波动率的四个特性——通过数据,图表,原理让你记忆深刻 388 -- 4:56 App ...
Get started in a few easy steps after installing the Financial Modeling Prep Add-on: 1. Get the API key by signing up to the Financial Modeling Prep ➤ https://financialmodelingprep.com/developer/docs. 2. In the Excel sheet ➤ click on FMP then ➤ click on FMP show taskpane under...
(2)金融专业建模modeling选手:按F2编辑公式,使用CTRL+TAB移动到另一个SPEET表 ; 如果按ALT + M, 它会带你公式选项卡。 所以一个好的建模人员应该非常有必要运用excel快捷键,并注意:总是把MODEL 中的假设 assumpitons 放在首位 !一旦你修正了excel所有的错误,资产负债表应该平衡,所有的计算应该在数学上和财务上...
Step 1 – Financial Modeling in Excel – Project the Historicals The first step in the financial modeling guide is to prepare the historicals. Download Colgate’s 10K Reports One prepares financial models in Excel. The first steps start with knowing how the industry has been doing recently. Un...
Financial Modeling in ExcelChris R. PopeTingting Liu
Streamline financial modeling, ramping and updating models with our AI powered fundamental data delivered directly into your own excel models. Automate investment research with a leading fundamental data provider and comprehensive public company financia
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