La Digital Edition de FINAL FANTASY® IX incluye un tema original diseñado por Toshiyuki Itahana y ocho avatares de personajes. Al fin llega a PlayStation®4 el famosísimo FINAL FANTASY® IX con características adicionales: trofeos, guardado automático, alta definición y potenciadores ...
LÉdition numérique de FINAL FANTASY® IX inclut le thème original conçu par Toshiyuki Itahana et huit avatars de personnages.brbrLe RPG à succès FINAL FANTASY® IX revient, enfin, sur système PlayStation®4 avec de nouvelles fonctionnali
Der RPG-Klassiker FINAL FANTASY IX, von dem seit der Erstveröffentlichung im Jahr 2000 weltweit 5,5 Millionen Exemplare verkauft wurden, ist jetzt neben dem PC auch endlich für Xbox One erhältlich! Neben der verbesserten Grafikqualität der Charaktere und vorgerenderten Videosequenzen...
Cart Loading My Nintendo StoreGamesNintendo SwitchNews & EventsPlay Nintendo Free shippingon orders $50 or more.Restrictions apply. EarnMy Nintendo Pointson digital games Store Games FINAL FANTASY IX Mild Language, Violence Nintendo Switch This item will be sent to your system automatically after pur...
评级 FINAL FANTASY® IX (英文版) 全球玩家评价 4.85平均评价4.85颗星(满分5颗星,17053个评价) 17053个评价 91% 6% 2% 1% 1% 游戏和法律信息 购买本作的玩家可获赠由FFIX游戏设计板鼻利幸特别绘制背景的原创主题! 2000年于PlayStation®上推出,全球累积出货量超过550万套的RPG名作「FINAL FANTASY IX」,...
Final Fantasy IX is near and dear to our hearts, and this non-profit love letter is being created as a tribute to the masterpiece that is the 2000 original. We hope you enjoy our take and re-experience that whimsical charm that made the world of Gaia so captivating. ...
Грехаибесконечногокруговоротаразрушений, чтоонссобойнесет. FINAL FANTASY X-2 возвращаетигроковвмирСпирыспустядвагодапосленачалаВечногопокоя. Ув...
Summary The last Final Fantasy for the PlayStation, Final Fantasy IX returns to the pure fantasy roots that spawned the series. This latest installment features highly detailed characters, vehicles, and environments, and breathtaking cinema-graphics. The addition of brand new features such as the st...
■Description Selling over five million copies since its release in 2000, FINAL FANTASY IX proudly returns on Xbox One and PC! Experience the adventure once again with characters and pre-rendered movies featured in high definition, as well as a new booster system with a selection of various ...