As a character, Galadriel stands out as one of the top female characters in the realm of fantasy for her commanding presence and deep complexity. Renowned for her pivotal role in aiding the Fellowship and her refusal of the One Ring with self-aware nobility, she epitomizes the...
SKYFIRE Tianhuo Island is a beautiful paradise. It almost makes people forget that it is located in the “Ring of Fire” the world-famous Pacific Rim volcanic belt. A young scientist (Hannah Quinlivan) invents a cutting-edge volcanic warning system and returns to the island where her mother ...
Bruce Spence's imposing stature and distinct features have made him a highly recognizable actor in the world of film and television. With memorable roles in movies like Mad Max 2 and The Matrix Revolutions, Spence has showcased his talent for bringing life to unique and iconic characters. His ...
Gyllenhaal played a fallen MMA star, dogged by infamy from a death he caused in the ring, who’s taken up a wandering life of beating or getting beaten by foes in low-rent bouts. After one rough altercation too many, he accepts a job cleaning up a Florida tavern and fending off the ...
↑ ↑Paul Scanlon,Michael Gross.The Book of Alien, p. 65 (1979),Heavy Metal Communications. ↑Paul Scanlon,Michael Gross.The Book of Alien, p. 44 (1979),Heavy Metal Communications. ...
The event will take place on Saturday, October 24, at 3 p.m. ET/Noon PT, streaming at and simulcast across YouTube and more. Ahead of its theatrical release on October 30, never-before-seen clips from the film will be shown throughout the rally, alongside performances...
deciding “well… maybe we should cook up a story about what happened and split the winnings.” Needless to say such plans are unstable and things go from bad to worse as more people get involved, with the increasing body count resulting in yet more convoluted schemes. P.S. ACAB. 4/5 ...
Un luogo virtuale "scritto e diretto da chi ama il cinema". Troverete recensioni, speciali e appronfondimenti circa i film in uscita e le migliori (e peggiori) serie tv disponibili su Amazon Prime Video, Netflix e nelle principali piattaforme streaming.
Suatu hari ibunya, Judy, menemukan David berbaring telungkup di tempat tidurnya, di mana dia mengklaim dia telah didorong oleh “Manusia Binatang”. Johnson mencoba membantu David dan keluarganya ketika dia bisa, tetapi segera menjadi jelas bahwa mereka tidak hanya berurusan dengan imajinasi ...
Spielberg pulls off a great discursion here as he cuts away from the final tallying to Lincoln in his office, awaiting word, alerted by the pealing of bells to his success, and then cutting back to the eruption of jubilation in the Congress where the dignified politicians rejoice like ...