THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS: Fee $55.00 Includes one registrant (please make check payable to “County Clerk”) $10.00 ea. additional FBN name filed on same statement and operating at same location. $10.00 ea. additional registrant 1 Franchise No. (if applicable)...
Remember, you only need to file a fictitious business name if you plan on using a business name thatdoes not contain your own name. For example, if I wanted to start Steve Chou’s House of Linens, I wouldn’t have to register an FBN. Why Get A Fictitious Business Name O...
A DBA, or "doing business as," is an option when you're registering your business name. A DBA is a fictitious business name, sometimes called an assumed name or a trade name, that allows you to legally do business using a particular name at minimal cost and without having to create an...