用于FGV的新型4500系列有轨电车将由位于Albuixech的Stadler工厂设计和制造。这些车辆将并入Metrovalencia和Tram d’Alacant的车队,以满足未来几年计划的扩建项目所产生的需求。Tramlink有轨电车是一种多功能且无障碍的轻轨车辆系列,可根据任何网络要求和移动需求进行定制。对于FGV,Stadler已经定制了车辆,以便在米轨网络...
“Many households around the world today have a glass cabinet for displaying their china. This grew over the years to become a symbol of sign of taste and aesthetics vision.” “When it comes to towns famous for their pottery, you might think of Valencia in Spain or Foshan in China, howe...