Finally, fast Gaussian gridding based nonuniform FFT (FGG-NUFFT) combined with 2-D inverse FFT (IFFT) is performed on the nonuniform 3-D spatial spectrum in the frequency wavenumber domain to achieve 3-D imaging. The conventional method for near-f...
基于FGG NUFFT 的穿墙成像雷达快速BP 算法 李家强“,陈做博2 ,徐才秀彳,陈金立V ,刘 然2 ,朱艳萍'(1.南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,江苏南京210044;2. 南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京210044;3. 江苏北斗卫星导航检测中心有限公司,江苏南京210032)摘要:针对穿墙成像...
the CS dictionary is constructed by combining MF and FGG-NUFFT,so as to improve the imaging efficiency and memory requirement.Firstly,a near-field 3 D imaging model of joint sparse recovery is constructed by combining the MF-based imaging method.Secondly,FGG-NUFFT and reverse FGG-NUFFT are ...