High-performance free energy calculations for drug discovery Learn more Blog Life Science Can AlphaFold Models be Used for Structure-Based Drug Design? A Perspective Two Years In High-performance free energy calculations for drug discovery Learn more View more articles Featured Course Learn...
FEP+ is Schrödinger’s proprietary, physics-based free energy perturbation technology for computationally predicting protein-ligand binding at an accuracy matching experimental methods, across broad chemical space. Explore vast chemical space and reduce costs ...
nvidia-smi -c3#bash ligand_fep_2.sh # 为了匹配username 我放弃使用sh文件开启模拟,而是直接以bash 提交,这样我可以修改Academic 为 localhost$SCHRODINGER/utilities/multisim -HOST localhost -SUBHOST localhost -m ligand_fep_1.msj -JOBNAME ligand_fep_1 ligand_fep_1.mae -TMPLAUNCHDIR -VIEWNAME ligand...
When transitioning to prospective use of FEP+, make sure that you include appropriate selection bias corrections (link). A script to apply these corrections is available in the distribution, which you can run with the command: $SCHRODINGER/run -FROM scisol fep_selection_bias_correction.py ...
结果表明,FLARE/FEP预测性能与Schrodinger/FEP+(Wang et al.[2])相当,而大大地优于AMBER的GPU-TI(Song et al.[2])。通过Flare图形用户界面和Flare Python API,可以完全控制模拟参数,使您能够探索和设定给定配体集合及其靶蛋白的理想条件。GPU加速的原理 如图2所示,Flare默认采用全连接、双向网络进行FEP计算,...
Desmond是D.E.Shaw研究所开发的分子动力学工具,用于对生物系统进行高速分子动力学模拟,其商业版随schrodinger_suit绑定发售,学术版可免费申请。 - 飞桨AI Studio
作者: K Persson 摘要: Computed materials data using density functional theory calculations. These calculations determine the electronic structure of bulk materials by solving approximations to the Schrodinger equation. For more information, see https://materialsproject.org/docs/calculations 年份: 2014 收...
摘要: Computed materials data using density functional theory calculations. These calculations determine the electronic structure of bulk materials by solving approximations to the Schrodinger equation. For more information, see https://materialsproject.org/docs/calculations关键词:...
Academic license pre-required. While FEP Plus charge you 100,000 USD per year. Here comes the FEP-Minus, it is a Schrodinger FEP Plus identical calculation but for FREE (Only for Academic community). Give it a like if this helps you so that I know this i