Showrunners address the possibility of Alicia being the mother of Troy's daughter, adding a potential twist to the story inFear the Walking Deadseason 8. Troy's return is motivated by his resentment towards Madison, who took away someone important to him and caused him harm in the past. Tr...
美剧【行尸之惧】Fear the Walking Dead人物图鉴(部分) 美剧【行尸走肉】The Walking Dead人物图鉴 · 3篇 说明 数据来源IMDB网,软件翻译的名称不一定准确。不过看过剧的也知道是谁了,本想只做主角团,不重要及没什么表现的角色就不算了,单元性质的剧,龙套太多了…毕竟这剧一言难尽。错误之处还请海涵 并加以...