Analysis of XPS spectra of Fe2and Fe3ions in oxide materials Toru Yamashita, Peter Hayes Pyrometallurgy Research Centre,
2 2 3 Using these parameters, the Fe 3p peaks of Fe3O4 and Fe1yO are analysed. The results indicate that high resolution XPS techniques can be used to determine the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in metal oxides. The technique has the potential for application to other transition metal oxide systems....
纳米Fe3O4表面聚合接枝的XPS分析 维普资讯
The quantitative analysis of the oxidation states of iron in the thin films has been carried out by Graat and Somers [3], [4] using Tougaard's inelastic scattering theory. They measured the XPS Fe 2p spectra of the pure components Fe0 from sputter-cleaned iron metal, Fe2+ from sputter-...
这是我做的催化剂的分峰,我催化剂上应该有2+和3+的混合物的图,不知道分的对不对。我看文献上都是分成两个峰(除了卫星峰)即使有2+和3+,我的为什么这么多啊???一个图里能直接分出2+和3+吗?有对XPS非常了解的人帮忙解释一下吗!!!谢谢 无标题.png回复...
我没做过xps,但是红线是你的真实数据?这signal-noise ratio 是不是有点太大了??
g--C3N4中掺杂少量铁元素能提高光催化效果.图1为g--C3N4的另一种单层结构;图c为Fe3+掺杂前后N-1s谱图(N原子1s的XPS谱图,图中峰的强度正比于原子数目),图2中横坐标为g--C3N4中N-1s结合能(原子结合能与稳定性成正比),掺杂Fe3+后,结合能最小的谱线发生了明显右移. ...