FE3+ 3NH4OH=FE(OH)3+3NH4+Fe(3+) + 3 NH3·H2O=Fe(OH)3↓+3 NH4(+) (括号内的符号位上标)
点评 本题综合考查离子反应,为高考常见题型,侧重于学生的分析能力考查,注意反应的先后顺序为解答的关键,题目难度中等. 分析总结。 hohh2o再加入氢氧化钠溶液至v2图象分析可知生成沉淀增多至最大反应为al33ohaloh3消耗氢氧化钠v2v1继续加入氢氧化钠v3沉淀量不变说明氢氧化钠和溶液中的铵根离子反应nh4oh反馈...
NH4+ + H2ONH4OH + H+ C. Fe3+ + H2OFe(OH)3 + H+ D. Al3+ + 3HCO3-="=" Al(OH)3↓ + 3CO2↑ 2下列水解离子方程式正确的是:( ) A. CH3COO— + H2OCH3COOH + OH- B. NH4++ H2ONH4OH + H+ C. Fe3++ H2OFe(OH)3 + H+ D. Al3++ 3HCO3-="=" Al(OH)3↓ + ...
Fe3O4,也称为磁铁矿,是一种常见的磁性材料,具有铁磁性和超顺磁性。以下是几种常见的纳米Fe3O4制备方法: 共沉淀法(Coprecipitation Method): 这是最常用的方法之一,涉及将铁盐(如FeCl3和FeSO4)溶解在水中,然后加入碱性溶液(如NaOH或NH4OH)以沉淀出Fe3O4纳米颗粒。 通过控制pH值、温度和反应时间,可以调节纳米颗...
which is attributed to the use of NH4OH. Previous works have shown the influence of the NH4OH concentration on the morphology and magnetic properties of magnetite29. However, their heterogeneity may be due to the use of concentrated NH4OH. A study conducted by Perez et al. (2020) showed that...
Iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by co-precipitation reaction with a combination of FeCl3.6 H2O and FeCl2.4 H2O (Merck, ≥ 99%) in molar ratio (2: 1) and NH4OH (Merck, 25%) in an aqueous medium with argon flow injection22. A certain amount of corn starch (1 g) dispersed in...
A. CH3COO-+H2O⇌CH3COOH+OH- B. NH4++H2O⇌NH4OH+H+ C. Fe3++H2O⇌Fe(OH)3+H+ D. Al3++3HCO3-═Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑ 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 AD 试题分析:A.醋酸根为弱酸根离子水解生成醋酸与氢氧根离子;B.铵根离子为弱碱阳离子水解生成一水合氨和氢离子;C.电荷不守恒;D.铝...
五、特殊离子鉴别: H+1、指示剂;2、活泼金属;3、金属氧化物;4、碱;5、某些盐:CO32-盐 OH-1、指示剂;2、非活泼金属;3、碱;4、某些盐:Fe3+、Cu2+盐 CO32-用HCl能产生使Ca (OH)2变浑浊的气体 NH4+用OH-能生成NH4OH,不稳定,分解出NH3;___相关知识...
氨水的化学式NH3·H2O也可以写成NH4OH 氨水溶于水后成碱性,原来学界认为是NH4OH,但后来证实根本没有NH4OH。但科学家检测到一水合氨NH3.H2O这种物质存在。NH3·H2O=(可逆)NH4+ + OH- 所以氨水在水中的主要存在形式是一水合氨,电离后呈弱碱性。因为...
After the rapid addition of 20 mL of NH4OH (25%) solution, 7.0 g of citric acid monohydrate was added into the mixture and then stirred for another 1.0 h. Afterwards, the resultant black product was repeatedly washed with deionized water with the help of a magnet for at least six times ...