Change of the lattice constant and the debye temperature in concentration magnetic phase transitions in alloys based on fcc FeNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF01882983A. V. DeryabinV. I. RimlyandB. N. ShvetsovKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersSoviet Physics Journal...
2 Relationship between total energy(E ) and lattice constant (a) ofFCC Fe and FeCu random solid solution alloys: (a) Fe; (b) tot Fe Cu ; (c) Fe Cu ; (d) Fe Cu 24 8 20 12 16 16 第 22 卷第 9 期 温玉锋,等:基于特殊准随机结构模型的 FCC FeCu 无序固溶体合金...
从表2也可以看出,Fe-3.125Ni-31.25Cu无序固溶体的正方剪切模量C′明显地较Fe-31.25Cu的大,说明合金元素Ni的加入可以提高亚稳态铁磁性FCC结构Fe-Cu无序固溶体的结构稳定性。 表1 FCC结构Fe-Cu和Fe-Ni-Cu无序固溶体的平衡晶格常数(a0)、生成热(Ef)、体模量(B0)和磁矩(Ms)Table 1 Lattice constant (a0),...
The crystal structure of γ-Fe is a face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice, which means that the unit cell is a cube with atoms at each corner and the center of each face. The lattice parameter for γ-Fe is approximately 0.364 nm. 中文回答: γ-Fe的晶体结构是面心立方(FCC)晶格,即,晶胞是...
In this paper we present the first investigation on the lattice structure of nanophases, α-Fe(Si) and Fe2B, in nanostructured Fe Cu Si B alloys obtained via crystallization of the parent amorphous alloy. It is found that the lattice constant of α-Fe(Si) phase is increased, whereas the...
S. Sekito, “The Lattice Constant of Quenched Carbon Steels,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ.,18, 69–77 (1929). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Google Scholar S. Shimura, “Study of the Structure of Cementite,”Proc. World Eng. Congr., Tokyo, 34,223–225 (1929);Strukturbericht, 2,303-304 ...
A single fcc phase is obtainedfor all ribbons x10 at.%. The lattice constant increases linearly with x and is discussed in connection with magnetic moment. The influence of Al substitution on both magnetization and Fe‐atom hyperfinefield (H) is studied. At 296 K, the magnetization decreases ...
the relaxations were done at constant volume thus relaxing only the atomic positions in a supercell dimensioned with the equilibrium lattice parameter for Fe (2.8544 A ˚ ). This allows one to use a smaller plane wave cut-off energy and ...
The FCC-II phase was found in all the multilayered films, i.e. FeNb, FeNb, FeNband FeNb. However, the lattice constant of the formed FCC-II decreased with increasing overall Fe atomic concentration in the as-deposited films. Thermodynamically, the formation of the FCC phases are favored ...
Nanocrystalline Ni–Fe FCC alloy coatings with Fe content of 1.3%–39% (mass fraction) were fabricated on the nickel substrates using a DC electrodeposition technique. The crystal structure, lattice strain, grain size and lattice constant of the Ni–Fe alloy coatings were studied by X-ray diffra...