FCC信息说明书 10-23-02 1
美国联邦通信委员会FCC第二季起实施新版KDB 447498 D04 Interim General RF Exposure Guidance v07版本法规要求,主要变化如下: 新版KDB主要更新了SAR豁免测试的功率门槛值,较之旧版本更加严格,受影响的产品主要包含蓝牙,WIFI穿戴/便携式设备。 旧版要求 新版要求 从对比中可以看出,对于蓝牙和WIFI设备所处的2450MHz/58...
The FCC adopted new two-tier guidelines limiting human exposure to RF energy, effective October 15, 1997. Over the past one and a half years, some of the implications of the new guidelines have been seen and new policies implemented. Various methods for conducting spatial measurement averaging ...
美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC) 于2021年11月29日对移动和便携式设备的射频暴露要求 (RFExposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies for Mobileand Portable Devices) 发布新的KDB (Office of Engineering and TechnologyLaboratory Division Knowledge Database) 临时 (过渡期) 文件 (447498 D04Interim General ...
“FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement Caution: To maintain compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, place the product at least 20cm from nearby persons.”6. For U-NII devices (5G WIFI)Working temperature and voltage shall be specified in the user manual.for Example: Working ...
自从苹果发布无线充电产品以来,越来越多的无线充电产品出现在市场上。对于进入北美市场的无线充点产品,FCC认证法规方面对此进行了新的更新。 美国FCC认证对于如何判定无线充设备是否要经过PBA流程判定规则进行了重大的修订。FCC在KDB 6801 06 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging App v02基础上发布了KDB 680106 D01 RF ...
射频(RF)测试: 确保无线领夹收音麦的射频特性符合FCC的规定,包括频率范围、射频功率等。 电磁兼容性(EMC)测试: 进行电磁兼容性测试,以确保设备在使用时不会产生干扰,同时也不容易受到其他设备的干扰。 射频辐射暴露测试(RF Exposure): 对于具有射频功能的设备,需要进行射频辐射暴露测试,以确保设备在使用时满足相关的...
aThe FCC guidelines for human exposure to RF energy were adopted from limits recommended by the U.S. NationalCouncil on Radiation Protection and Measurements and the C95.1-1992 guidelines developed by the American National Standards Institute and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. FCC指南...
Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines. The highest SAR value for this model phone when tested by Sony for use at the ear is 1.21 W/kg (10g). In the case where the phone is worn on the body, the highest tested SAR value is 1.16 W/kg (10g)...
射频辐射暴露测试(RF Exposure): 对具有射频功能的设备进行射频辐射暴露测试,以确保设备在使用时满足相关的辐射限制。 频率稳定性测试: 确保设备的频率稳定性符合FCC的规定,以确保设备在通信时能够维持稳定的频率。 调制幅度测试: 测试设备的调制幅度,以确保设备发送的调制信号在规定的范围内。