/* ESP32 startup counter example with Preferences library. This simple example demonstrates using the Preferences library to store how many times the ESP32 module has booted. The Preferences library is a wrapper around the Non-volatile storage on ESP32 processor. created for arduino-esp32 09 Feb...
sFilterConfig.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK; /*< 筛选器宽度为32位或16位 */ sFilterConfig.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT; /* 掩码模式下,ID码会先与掩码寄存器相与,再判断与标识符寄存器是否相同 (ExtId || StdId) == FltMaskId & FltMask ? 列表模式下,掩码寄存器作为标识符寄存器,此...
60 //返回值:通道ch的times次转换结果平均值 61 u16 Get_Adc_Average(u8 ch,u8 times) 62 { 63 u32 temp_val=0; 64 u8 t; 65 for(t=0;t<times;t++) 66 { 67 temp_val+=Get_Adc(ch); 68 delay_ms(5); 69 } 70 return temp_val/times; 71 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9...
I went back to the new ESP32-CAM board, and both cameras worked fine with the same software, and the old ESP32-CAM worked fine with the ov2640, but the stress of the ov5640 on the old ESP32-CAM board was too much. I don't think it was "heat" because there was a 2 hour gap...
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ def env(match: Match) -> str:def main(): prepare_actions_input_and_secrets() # 关闭logging,保证安全 disable_jm_log() option = create_option('../assets/option/option_workflow_export_favorites.yml') option.call_all_plugin('main', safe=False)...
@mingw32-make mingw471 BUILD_X64_EXE=1DEBUG=1 These are located in themakefile, so you could comment/un-comment them as well. Enjoy! SeeYa! FinalBurn Alpha For those who go the MingW route and like a custom installation (like me), and compile under the mingw shell; here are some ...
Once the products are sent out, a tracking number will be provided so that you can check where your goods at all times9.How you will send the goods to us?We will send the goods to you by DHL,FEDEX,UPS, EMS,AIR etc. Send your message to this supplier *From: *T...
majtitle_broke.png (102.7 kB, 665x563 - viewed 1198 times.) Logged Stifu Sr. Member Posts: 259 Karma: +6/-0 Re: dink's FBA Development & Fixes thread « Reply #1375 on: November 30, 2017, 05:07:18 PM » My comment comes a bit late, but about the 3rd Night Slashers ...
6 Water absorption % Average value≤0.5,Single≤0.6 0.13,0.09~0.16 Eligible 7 Breaking strength N When the thickness≥7.5mm,Average value≥1300 1622 Eligible 8 Modulus of rupture Mpa Average value≥35,Single≥32 43,42~44 Eligible 9 Wear mm³ Wear volume≤175 117 El...
S7300软件标准库FCFB速查 附录E 软件标准库FC、FB速查 表1 函数(FC)和函数功能块(FB)