Command-line errors and warnings Compiler fatal errors Compiler fatal errors C999 through C1999 Fatal error C1001 Fatal error C1002 Fatal error C1003 Fatal error C1004 Fatal error C1005 Fatal error C1007 Fatal error C1008 Fatal error C1009 ...
Command-line errors and warnings Compiler fatal errors Compiler fatal errors C999 through C1999 Fatal error C1001 Fatal error C1002 Fatal error C1003 Fatal error C1004 Fatal error C1005 Fatal error C1007 Fatal error C1008 Fatal error C1009 Fatal error C1010 Fatal error C1011 Fatal error C...
Command-line errors and warnings Compiler fatal errors Compiler fatal errors C999 through C1999 Fatal error C1001 Fatal error C1002 Fatal error C1003 Fatal error C1004 Fatal error C1005 Fatal error C1007 Fatal error C1008 Fatal error C1009 ...
Command-line errors and warnings Compiler fatal errors Compiler fatal errors C999 through C1999 Fatal error C1001 Fatal error C1002 Fatal error C1003 Fatal error C1004 Fatal error C1005 Fatal error C1007 Fatal error C1008 Fatal error C1009 ...
Fatal error C999 UNKNOWN MESSAGEPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Fatal error C1000 UNKNOWN FATAL ERRORPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or o...
Fatal error C999 UNKNOWN MESSAGEPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Fatal error C1000 UNKNOWN FATAL ERRORPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu,...
文档这一部分中的文章解释了由 Microsoft C/C++ 编译器生成的错误消息的子集。 重要 Visual Studio 编译器和生成工具可报告多种类型的错误和警告。 发现错误或警告后,生成工具可做出有关代码意向的假设并尝试继续,因此,可能会同时报告更多问题。 如果工具做出错误假设,则后续错误或警告可能不适于你的项目。 纠正项目...
嚴重錯誤 C1189 #error:訊息 嚴重錯誤 C1190 Managed 目標程式碼需要 '/clr' 選項 嚴重錯誤 C1191 只能在全域範圍匯入 'file' 嚴重錯誤 C1192 在'file'上 #using 失敗 嚴重錯誤 C1193 未達到 file(line) 中預期的錯誤 嚴重錯誤 C1194 (已淘汰) 未達到檔案(line) 中預期的檢查點 'name' 嚴重錯誤 C1195...
Fatal error C999UNKNOWN MESSAGE Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Fatal error C1000UNKNOWN FATAL ERROR Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Tech...
Fatal error C999 UNKNOWN MESSAGEPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Fatal error C1000 UNKNOWN FATAL ERRORPlease choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Tec...