A review of the audiobook "Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up," by Katie Pavlich is presented.CarlsonJosephL.Library Journal
border in the town of Columbus, New Mexico hadn't delivered. He had other grievances as well. So in the early morning of March 9, 1916, Villa led some 500 troops in an attack on Columbus that lasted until dawn, without doing too much damage. Next day, General John J. Pershing, of ...
WASHINGTON-- A federal judge on Tuesday rejected the Justice Department's claim of executive privilege used to withhold certain documents tied to theFast and Furious "gun-walking" scandalfrom release to a congressional committee. House Republicans sued in federal court in 2012 toobtain thousands of ...
Horwitz, Sari
The highly-anticipated book from the whistleblower in the Fastand Furious gun-running scandal...Bedard, Paul
Fast and Furious Gun ScandalDelwyn Lounsbury
Constitutional Commentary
The Fast And Furious Scandal May Be Biggest In U.S. History.Forget executive privilege, contempt of Congress, "fast and furious," how many documents the government has produced and who said what to whom on which date. [ FROM PUBLISHER]ANN...
The Fast and Furious Scandal ContinuesLiberty Alerts