《Far Cry 5》黃金版 当前不可用。 《Far Cry 5》黃金版 功能 联机多人游戏 (2-12)在线合作 (2)HDR104K Ultra HDXbox One X Enhanced 描述 長久以來屹立不搖的《極地戰嚎》系列中,一款盛譽滿載的遊戲作品將迎來 5 週年紀念,在為它歡慶的同時,享受「黃金版」最低 1.5 折優惠! 「黃金版」內含遊戲本體、...
Far Cry® 5 Gold Edition 包含的遊戲 孤島驚魂®3 經典版Far Cry® 5 包含附加元件 Far Cry 5 - Signature .44 Magnum Handgun《Far Cry®5》-Season PassFar Cry®5 - D2 Shotgun with Outlaw SkinFar Cry®5 - Dead Living ZombiesFAR CRY 5 - Signature MPBI .50 Sniper RifleFar Cry...
《Far Cry® 5》黃金版 黃金版內含主遊戲、數位豪華組合包和 Season Pass。 歡迎來到蒙大拿州的希望郡,這裡是自由與勇敢的土地,也是狂熱末日邪教「伊甸之門計畫」的據點。起身對抗邪教領袖約瑟夫.席德和他的手足「預示者」,點燃抗爭火焰,解放受困的社區。 ...
Far Cry® 5 Gold Edition Global player ratings 4.37Average rating 4.37 stars out of 5 stars from 49320 ratings 49320 ratings 70% 14% Game and Legal Info The Gold Edition includes the game, the Digital Deluxe Pack, and the season pass, which includes three unique DLCs and Far Cry® 3...
孤岛惊魂 5:黄金版ファークライ5 ゴールドエディションFar Cry 5: Gold Edition Ubisoft Montreal 2018-03-27 - . -- . - 中文 0想玩0在玩1玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - ...
FAR CRY 5 - Signature MPBI .50 Sniper Rifleعرض الوظيفة الإضافية Far Cry® 3 Classic Edition USD$31.49 Far Cry®5 - Lost on Mars USD$12.99 FAR CRY 5 - Prepper Outfitعرض الوظيفة الإضافي...
Far Cry® 5 Gold Edition The Gold Edition includes the game, the Digital Deluxe Pack & the Season Pass. Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as the Project at Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Joseph ...
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition Sony PlayStation 4 Key Features and Benefits: Fan the flames of resistance and fight to free Hope County from the grip of a deadly cult in the newest installment of the Far Cry series Beware of the wrath of Joseph Seed and his cult followers as you support the ...
购买Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle ¥ 498.00 添加至购物车 购买Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle ¥ 598.00 添加至购物车 购买Far Cry Bundle捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 9 个项目立省 10%!