or choose one from the fanned playing cards that a magician offers you. In either case, the things that are fanned are spread out and shaped like a fan. The adjectivefannedcomes from the verbfan, which gained the meaning "spread like a hand-heldfan" in the late 16th century, when hand...
The meaning of FAN is any of various devices for winnowing grain. How to use fan in a sentence. The Fanatical Origin of Fan
释义 fanned def fanned def发音 意思翻译 扇形def 相似词语短语 fanned out───成扇形散开 canned heat───罐装燃料 funded debt───长期债券;固定债务 banned driver───违禁司机 fanned───v.扇;adj.扇型的(带翼的) manned up───拿出男人的样子;男子气一点!
fanned out bow skirt发音 意思翻译 扇形蝴蝶结裙 相似词语短语 a bit of skirt───一点裙子 laughed out of court───v.一笑置之 fanned out───成扇形散开 双语使用场景 英语使用场景 相关推荐 fanned out fanned to white heat fanned out bow skirt fanned def...
What is the meaning of "angry" in the sentence "He was badly hurt, the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead." A. 生气 B. 微小 C. 红肿 D. 明显 查看完整题目与答案 平卧位时压力性损伤好发第一部位( ) A. 尾骶部 B. 足跟 C. 坐骨结节 D. 脊柱 查看完整题目...
aThe PFA was originally deposited as a slurry which fanned out into the main pool creating a long, shallowly sloping bank and an irregular shoreline. PFA最初被放置了作为扇动入创造长的主要水池的泥浆,浅地倾斜的银行和不规则的海岸线。 [translate] ...