Part1:IntroductiontoPPTFundamentals IntroductiontoPPTinterface IntroductiontobasicoperationsandfunctionsofPPT IntroductiontoPPTViewMode Part2:PPTmakingskills Texttypesettingskills Imageprocessingtechniques Chartmakingskills ApplicationTechniquesforAnimationEffects Part3:PPTDesignConceptandPractice Principlesandspecificationsfor...
Thewholefamilyistakingawalkintheforest.Whatdoyouthinktheword“family”standfor(代表)?remindsbofsb\sth使某人想起ThatsmellremindsmeofFrance.这股气味使我想起了法国。Sample:Myfatherislikeatree.Althoughheis sea tree silentmostofthetime,hmeoaulwntaayinsprovideslove andcareforourhomewithalovingheart.backgroun...
2. Free Family Tree PPT Template This free PPT template comes with a gray background and an image of a tree. 3. Free Family Tree Comes with a picture of a tree. You can include a small photo of your family members along with their names. 4. Free Color-Coded Organization Chart Thi...
《Family matters》Section C.ppt UNIT3Familymatters SectionCDevelopingideas,Presentingideas&Reflection 高中英语必修第一册UNIT3Familymatters 题组练·领悟方法 核心词汇 词汇一admirev.(1)钦佩,赞美,羡慕(2)欣赏,观赏 【要点必记】(1)admiresb.for...因……而羡慕/钦佩某人 admireoneself自我欣赏 (2...
外研版高中英语必修一《Family matters》PPT课件(第4课时).pptx,Unit 3 Family matters 第4课时;Learning Objectives;Warm up;Warm up;Warm up;Reading for main idea;Para. 2 For Alistair, the choice was clear. His brother was in trouble. He had to help. Alistair r
(共25张PPT) Unit 3 Family ties 1.What is each family doing in the picture 2.What do you think the word “family”stands for Free talk They are having a family dinner. The boy is doing his homework with the help of his father. ...
(1)PPT课件:我会制作一份精美的PPT课件,通过图片、图表和动画等形式,将家庭成员的英文表达和相关句型直观地展示给学生,帮助学生更好地理解和记忆。 (2)在线工具:我会使用一些在线工具,如单词拼写游戏、口语练习软件等,帮助学生进行词汇学习和口语练习,提高学生的英语水平。 (3)视频资源:我会准备一些关于家庭成员的...
I am not wanna be a Burden,DOUBLE INCOME NO KIDS,聂珊珊,WHY,The background of the DINK FAMILY,The background of the DINK FA