To analyze the function and domain distribution of the putativeCapsicum ANKgenes, Pfam and Hmmer platforms were used for protein analysis, to allow for identifying the major domains. As a result, the 268ANKgenes were classified into 10 subfamilies based on their domain composition: ANK-U, ANK-...
These Energies 2022, 15, 7279 7 of 30 partitions were insulated with polystyrene foam that was 10 cm thick, λ = 0.04 W/m·K, with a layer of thermal insulation with thermal resistance of R = 2.5 m2·K/W. The second stage of the thermo-modernization works included in its scope the ...
F– Kann ich meine Windows-Desktop-Lizenzen für WorkSpaces Personal und WorkSpaces Pools verwenden? A: Sie verwenden Ihre eigenen Desktop-Lizenzen von Windows 10 oder Windows 11 mit WorkSpaces Personal und WorkSpaces Pools im Rahmen einer Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL)-Vereinbarung, sofern diese ...