False discovery rate Thefalse discovery rateis a less conservative approach to multiple comparisons correction than the traditional methods described above. While the Bonferroni false positive rate of 0.05 means that 5% of all results will be truly negative, the FDR value of 0.05 means that 5% of...
True Positive Rate (TPR) vs. False Discovery Rate (FDR) plots for the six DE test methods performed on RNA-Seq datasets simulated to mimic real datasets. Multiple tests are designed to test a whole collection of null hypotheses simultaneously. Their quality is often judged by the false discov...
True Positive Rate (TPR) vs. False Discovery Rate (FDR) plots for the six DE test methods performed on RNA-Seq datasets simulated to mimic real datasets.Gu MiYanming Di
错误发现率 (FDR) false discovery rate (FDR)是一种用于多重假设检验multiple hypothesis testing的统计方法,用于纠正多重比较multiple comparisons。它通常用于高通量实验high-through put experiments,以纠正错误地显得显着falsely appear significant的随机事件。 当测试原假设以确定观察到的分数observed score是否具有统计...
From a frequentist standpoint, the issue of multiple testing looms large, and both unadjusted and adjusted P values barely meet the criteria for nominal statistical significance, let alone a family-wise error rate. From a Bayesian perspective, "statistically significant" results can turn out to be...
Positive false discovery rateQuantilesPrimary 62F15Secondary 62F03Several alternative concepts to the family-wise error rate have been recently defined and studied, when multiple hypothesis testing is considered. In this article, the positive false discovery quantile is introduced and thendoi:10.1080/...
Multiple hypothesis testing is concerned with controlling the rate of false positives when testing several hypotheses simultaneously. One multiple hypothesis testing error measure is the false discovery rate (FDR), which is loosely defined to be the expected proportion of false positives among all signif...
To identify false positive genes, we used the bulk DE analysis to exclude genes called as DE at a false discovery rate of 10% from the matched single-cell results, then retained the 100 top-ranked remaining genes in the single-cell data. To identify false negative genes, we used the ...
The impact of ion purity in the tandem mass spectral analyses and of background oxidation on the false positive rate of protein target discovery using SPROX is also discussed. 机译:蛋白和配体结合相互作用的检测和定量在生物学研究的许多领域都很重要。氧化速率的蛋白质稳定性(SPROX)技术是一种基于...
Template IDs or paths http/technologies/tech-detect.yaml Environment OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Nuclei: 3.3.1 Go: go1.23.2 linux/amd64 Steps To Reproduce ./nuclei -t http/technologies/tech-detect.yaml -u https://nicochannel...