false discovery ratefamily-wise errorFDRFWER hypothesis testingmultiple testingP value correctionstatistical inferenceOpen this preview in PDFHighlights The FDR has recently gained popularity in behavioural biology. In behavioural biology the FDR is frequently applied incorrectly. The FDR is not a ...
To identify false negative genes, we used the bulk DE analysis to identify genes called as DE at a false discovery rate of 10%, but with a false discovery rate exceeding 10% in the matched single-cell results, again retaining the 100 top-ranked such genes. For each of these genes, we...
Is FalseDiscoveryRate not meant to compute both at once and is this the expected behaviour? In OpenMS 2.3 the parameters were called proteins_only and peptides_only, so it might be expected, that they don't work together, although it is not explained very well in the param description. In...
Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) suggested a less-conservative procedure controlling the Overlapping donor segments false discovery rate (FDR). This procedure assumes that NILs with overlapping donor segments were suggested the false-positive rate is the result of cumulated type I for fine mapping of ...
Hochberg’s[1995]falsediscoveryrateprocedure,andanempiricalBayes methodologydevelopedinEfronetal.[2001A,2001B].Thetwoapproachesare closelyrelatedandcanbeusedtosupporteachother,whichistheprincipalpointof thisarticle. Hedenfalketal.[2001]reportonamicroarrayexperimentconcerningthe ...
tested, a decoy sequence of the same length is automatically generated and tested. The matches and scores for the decoy sequences are recorded separately in the result file. When the search is complete, the numbers of matches and the false discovery rate (FDR) are reported in the result ...
[5,6] developed a method to deal with multiple comparisons that takes into account not only the number of comparisons but the distribution of P values within the set. When using this method, you set the value Q in order to control the False Discovery Rate (FDR). If Q is set to 1%,...
PERMANOVA post hoc P values were corrected for multiple testing using the Benjamini–Hochberg false discovery rate (q value) [34]. The subsequent statistical analyses were calculated using the R-package vegan with Bray-Curtis distance on the rarefied taxa abundances and visualized with custom R ...
Discovery: FCA plaintiffs are likely to seek extensive discovery regarding pharmacies’ subjective knowledge to create issue of fact on scienter. The goal and objective of the discovery will be to demonstrate the pharmacies’ knowledge and beliefs, and whether the pharmacies (1) had actual knowledge...
In the two data sets considered here, up to seven-fold variation across the processing methods was found in the number of genes detected at a given false discovery rate (FDR). The best performing methods called up to 90% of the same genes differentially expressed, had less variable test sta...