ranging from the affluent New Vegas Strip, through the impoverished Freeside andNorth Vegas Square, the arable fields of theNCR sharecropper farms, the resourceful Westside, to the derelict South Vegas ruins, and the outskirt hubs of inter-regional commerce consisting...
Deathclaws are creatures in Fallout: New Vegas. Deathclaws spawn in specific places in the Mojave Wasteland, building nests and laying eggs.[1] These eggs can be used to create consumables such as wasteland omelettes.[2] When describing the NCR Rangers t
歡迎重返New Vegas 隨著Bethesda Softworks隆重推出《Fallout: New Vegas》終極版,各位玩家終於能加碼搶購,將樂趣無窮的《New Vegas》完整陣容通通打包回家,包括全套追加內容:Dead Money、Honest Hearts、Old World Blues和Lonesome Road。
一个名叫“双熊击掌(Two-Bears-High-Fiving)”的死马族人会从天使洞穴中冲出来。这是在致敬New Vegas Nexus论坛上的一个模组。该模组可以让玩家在米歇尔医生的最后一张罗夏墨迹测试中选择“双熊击掌”的选项。 磕个药!杀个熊! File:AdviceDog meme.jpg ...
While the horror aspects from Fallout 3 have been toned down, and civilization is much larger, the transition from post-nuclear Washington D.C. to an empty desert is rather strange. Edit Australia MA15+ France 18 Japan ZCERO New Zealand ...
辐射:新维加斯 Fallout:NewVegas 游戏类型: 角色扮演 游戏制作: Obsidian Entertainment 游戏发行: Bethesda 游戏平台: PC/Xbox360/PS3 上市时间: 2010-10-19 详细信息 7.7 玩家评分 1764人评价 5 58.0% 4 15.3% 3 2.4% 2 1.4% 1 23.0% 想玩玩过评分 游戏介绍: 《辐射:新维加斯》是欧美人气RP...
"City of Lost Angels" The New Vegas Strip, typically shortened to just the Strip, is a district of New Vegas in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. It also appears in the Fallout TV series. The city of Las Vegas was founded on May 15, 1905, and w
Speaking of what’s to come, I love speculating on the future. Who knows what it’ll bring, but there’s always a spark of excitement when you guess something right (or if something comes completely out of left-field to surprise). With this new series, I’ll be looking to see how ...
名称: Fallout: New Vegas 类型: 动作, 角色扮演 开发商: Obsidian Entertainment 发行商: Bethesda Softworks 系列: Fallout 发行日期: 2010 年 10 月 19 日 语言: 英语, 法语, 德语, 意大利语, 西班牙语 - 西班牙 阅读相关新闻 单人 Steam 成就 Steam 排行榜 在手机上远程畅玩 在平板上远程畅玩 家庭...