在员工办公室,桌子上能拿到一本动力可乐配方(Nuka-Power recipe),桌子上还有核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal)。 核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal):“核子可乐企业(Nuka-Cola Corporation)财产。核子世界电厂(Nuka-World Power):员工站003(Employee Station 0...
2286年4月,科尔特(Colter)与二把手波特·加吉(Porter Gage)率领核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)三大帮派血徒帮(The Disciples)、惑心帮(The Operators)和战狼帮(The Pack)一同占领了核子城(Nuka-Town),一些掠夺者(Raider)还攻进了银河区(Galactic Zone),肯德尔(Kendell)率领手下奋力反击,将掠夺者(Raider)击退。
Nukapedia: The Fallout Wiki 52,429 pages Explore TV series Fallout games Other games & media Community in: Fallout 4 items, Miscellaneous items English Fallout 4 miscellaneous items Category page Sign in to edit For more detailed information on this category, please visit the topic ...
The weapon workshop is a room that can be built with Fallout Shelter update 1.4. The weapon workshop is a crafting room that unlocks at a vault population of 22 dwellers. Like the outfit workshop, the weapon workshop is placed as one room that takes up t
当前 #5, That No-Caps RageinIn the Employee Area. Can be accessed after turning Nuka-World's power on or by flying over the wall with a.+1 Strength & Endurance if you have <= 10,000 caps. +2 Strength & Endurance if you have <= 1,000 caps. ...
Nuka-Cola's signature rocket-shaped bottle replaced the traditional curved bottle when a rival corporation successfully sued for patent infringement. Fortunately, the public saw the new bottle as an improvement and Nuka-Cola's sales increased. The Official Nuka-World Recipe Book featured fifteen brand...
Sierra Petrovita:"Yep, I'm the President, the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer. Once a year, we gather here in Girdershade to have a cook off using Nuka-Cola in the recipe. Last year I won with my 'Poached Roach in Nuka-Sauce'. Delicious!" ...
The Nuka Project- 核子可樂美化 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53789 Bottles Labels Overhaul - 其他飲品美化 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1500 Better Ammo Boxes - 彈藥包裝美化 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8087 ...
辐射4的剧情任务扩展包(DLC,Downloadable Content)共4个,分别是“ 机械军团/机械守卫(Automatron)”、“ 远港惊魂(Far Harbor)”、“ 避难所科技工坊(Vault-Tec Workshop) ”和“ 核子世界(Nuka-World)”。以下分别阐述。 首先,分享一下笔者的游戏存档,以飨观者: 辐射4开局存档链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s...
The recipe system had a power creep problem. Loot from creatures was more bountiful than vanilla. Items were worth marginally more, weighed significantly less, and could craft more powerful food items in a way that outclassed perk-locked consumables from vanilla Fallout 4. To be clear, I don...