Fake Credit Card Generator This library have a objective for help a devellopers and testers during the application tests. For many times is necesary the create a tests for payment validation using the credit card fake and this library is one facilitator for this scenaries. ...
protected cardNumber: number; protected autoUpdateCardNumber: boolean; protected autoRemovePreviousCards: boolean; private thicknesses; protected fakeCardGenerator?: (deckId: string) => T; protected thicknesses: number[]; constructor(manager: CardManager<T>, element: HTMLElement, settings: DeckSettings...
合成数据生成器(Synthetic Data Generator,SDG)是由哈工大(深圳)刘川意教授团队开源的一款专注于结构化表格数据快速生成的组件。目前在GitHub上关注度已有1.8K stars,并已有多位Contributor。 SDG支持多种模型,并针对执行速度、内存等方面进行专门优化,例如:合成数据生成器处理千万级别数据,这是当前其他数据合成组件做不...
合成数据生成器(Synthetic Data Generator,SDG)是由哈工大(深圳)刘川意教授团队开源的一款专注于结构化表格数据快速生成的组件。目前在GitHub上关注度已有1.8K stars,并已有多位Contributor。 SDG支持多种模型,并针对执行速度、内存等方面进行专门优化,例如:合成数据生成器处理千万级别数据,这是当前其他数据合成组件做不...
合成数据生成器(Synthetic Data Generator,SDG)是由哈工大(深圳)刘川意教授团队开源的一款专注于结构化表格数据快速生成的组件。目前在GitHub上关注度已有1.8K stars,并已有多位Contributor。支持多种模型,并针对执行速度、内存等方面进行专门优化,例如:合成数据生成器处理千万级别数据,这是当前其他数据合成组件做不到的...
Finance: account, accountName, accountNumber, amount, bic, bitcoinAddress, creditCardCVV, creditCardIssuer, creditCardNumber, currency, currencyCode, currencyName, currencySymbol, ethereumAddress, iban, litecoinAddress, mask, maskedNumber, pin, routingNumber, transactionDescription, transactionType ...
Fabricator is a minimalist generator of random strings, numbers, etc. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service. It's written on scala but fully backward compatib...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
fake-image-generator-powershellPublic Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB. FakeImageGenerator.MSTestPublic Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for MSTest tests. C#0MIT000UpdatedMay 24, 2020 ...
A Faker\Generator alone can't do much generation. It needs Faker\Provider objects to delegate the data generation to them. Faker\Factory::create() actually creates a Faker\Generator bundled with the default providers. Here is what happens under the hood:<?php $faker = new Faker\Generator()...