之前部署了Gitlab+Gerrit+Jenkins持续集成环境,但在Jenkins中新建项目的源码管理"Repository URL"中添加git地址环节出现了问题,信息为"Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: git ls-remote -h http://×××.git HEAD",如下图: 原因分析:这是由于git客户端版本过低造成的! Jenkins本机默认...
Jenkins 部署项目出现 Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote XXX 表示为,Jenkins无法连接到你输入的Repository URL的 Git仓库…… 怎么办呢? 试了很多方法: 1、在git仓库里面配置公钥、在Jenkins任务里配置git私钥——此法无效 (reference:https://blog.csdn.net/huqiankunlol/article/details...
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h -- git@github.com:qingtain1234/interfaceTest.git HEAD" returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: Load key "/tmp/jenkins-gitclient-ssh4445800001373071006.key": invalid format git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Co...
Jenkins 部署项目出现 Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote XXX 表示为,Jenkins无法连接到你输入的Repository URL的 Git仓库…… 怎么办呢? 试了很多方法: 1、在git仓库里面配置公钥、在Jenkins任务里配置git私钥——此法无效 2、倏而想到,要想是要在Repository URL 加上账号和密码才行。
之前部署了Gitlab+Gerrit+Jenkins持续集成环境,但在Jenkins中新建项目的源码管理"Repository URL"中添加git地址环节出现了问题,信息为"Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: git ls-remote -h http://×××.git HEAD",如下图: 原因分析:这是...
解决Jenkins报错:ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' Failed to connect to repository : Command "git.exe ls-remote -h -- https://gitee.com/junjiesatuo/huishoubo_auto_jmeter_api_test…
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h git@gitlab.gizwits.com:zc_consulting/... 我是真的菜 image.png 这个错误是因为我把我用的是gitlab的ssh,但是我硬是把gitlab配置成账户密码导致不能用我擦勒,如果你配置ssh就必须用公钥密钥去解决...
I have installed Cocoapods via RubyGems with --user-install argument. I am able to clone any repository hosted on the GitHub withgit clone. My solution is to not usepod updateorpod repo update mastercommands but to use commandgit pullinside the folder/.cocoapods/repos/master. This will up...
Please follow the below steps to add the certificate to the trusted root: SSH into the VCSA Connect to the update repo using command: # openssl s_client -connect <CustomUpdateRepoFQDN>:<port> (Replace<CustomUpdateRepoFQDN>with the configured repository FQDN. The port is optional if any custo...
edited If you are using git clone --mirror when creating the repository, try using the GIT URL with the user and password: git clone --mirrorhttp://user:password@gitlab.server.xyz/user/repository.git Also, chown the path to repository.git to redmine:redmine user/group as this: ...