1 去看home目录下配置文件的IP是否跟自己主机一致2 检查下内存 物理内存+虚拟内存大于8G就OK了3 检查数据库d_taiwan 里面的db_connect表格,把里面的ip改为127.0.0.1或者自己主机还有问题带图/更详细的问题描述 6楼2022-06-08 15:30 收起回复 父亲丶 诺伊佩拉 8 只需要进服务器删除几个缓存文件就行了 简单...
运行时报错 CO.../run 时无限127如下CONNECTION FAIL IP =, PORT =20403, reason =Connection refusedtcpSock.connect
CONNECTION FAIL IP =, PORT =20403, reason =Connection refusedtcpSock.connect Fail! CONNECTION FAIL IP =, PORT =20403, reason =Connection refusedtcpSock.connect Fail! 提示这个咋办 TA的2条回复M谜一般 5小时前 跑五国的时候 平淡...
jmeter 如何解决org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) 问题 这里先检查url接口链接是否正确,我这里正常 在请求 -高级里边设置为java 含义【jmeter客户端实现方式有三种,一种是java,一种是httpclient4,还有一种默认,...
首次导入项目后,fail to get JDbcConnection 的问题--java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect 初次导入项目后 运行Junit Test报错是因为没有启动tomcat的原因 在第一次启动Tomcat后,以后无论项目在tomcat中,都可以测试成功
问题一:init redis failure:dial tcp xx.xxx.xx.xx:6379: connect: connection refused 问题 接口连接返回错误,连接拒绝 解决 原因是我的redis.conf中的bind在配置文件中没有注释掉,奇怪,昨天安装的时候查看还是注释掉的,可能手滑??,反正重新注释就可以访问了 ...
Issue Red Hat Capsule fails with the following error during synchronization: Raw Last sync failed: There was an issue with the backend service pulp3: Failed to open TCP connection to capsule.example.com:443 (Connection refused - connect(2) for "capsule.example.com" port 443) ...
timeout=32s\": dial tcp connect: connection refused", "E0701 13:58:35.813605 90009 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current What did you expect to happen? That the errors would not happen. How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
18.942 3466 TRACE keystonemiddleware.auth_token raise exceptions.ConnectionRefused(msg) 2016-06-10 09:55:18.942 3466 TRACE keystonemiddleware.auth_token ConnectionRefused: Unable to establish connection to http://compute-44.test:35357 2016-06-10 09:55:18.942 3466 TRACE keystonemiddleware.auth_token ...
2021-03-11 23:35:16.230|WARN|i.l.c.c.t.ClusterTopologyRefresh||Unable to connect to java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: /