Fage 2%希腊酸奶(原味) 食物别名: Fage Total 2% Greek Yogurt (Plain) 食物热量: 150 大卡 / 200克 碳水化合物: 每200克Fage 2%希腊酸奶(原味)含有≈ 8 克碳水化合物,占比约 4%。 脂肪: 每200克Fage 2%希腊酸奶(原味)含有≈ 4 克脂肪,占比约 2%。 蛋白质: 每200克Fage 2%希腊酸奶(原味)含有≈ ...
The Greek yogurt in these adds so much protein to start the day off with something fueling for your body. Our favorite Greek yogurt is theFAGE Total 0% Plainbecause of its rich, creamy, and delicious taste plus it is all natural which is something that really matters to me. We just sna...
Oikos is Dannon’s version of Greek Yogurt. It has an exceptionally high amount of protein per serving and no fat (but notice how it is 10 more calories than Fage). To me, this product is aiming for a dessert-like flavor rather than yogurt. I found it to be cloyingly sweet compared ...