Earth Science For Kids Let's learn all about our amazing Earth and what happens on our planet! From facts about deserts and mountains to the different types of rocks on our planet, we have lots of interesting subjects to explore. Let's dive right in! We
Interesting Facts About Earth Day For Kids Although earth day began in the 1970’s it did not go global until the 90’s. It was started as a day to promote education about environmental issues. Now that it is celebrated globally it is common to for it to be celebrated for an entire we...
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in terms of size and mass in the solar system. It is also the densest planet of all and the only known planet that can support life. Click for facts and worksheets in PDF!
Ocean Facts for KidsInteresting Facts for KidsIn our Ocean Facts for Kids you will learn about the oceans of the world. Did you know that the oceans cover over 71% of the Earth's surface?Click to view a short video about World Ocean Day.8 June is World Oceans Day! Our world's ...
Check out these amazing Earth facts for kids, from volcanoes to sprawling rainforests! Learn why our planet is truly fascinating!
Billions of years ago, Earth was formed from a hot ball of nebula gases and as time goes by, the Earth’s surface cooled down and there emerged different life forms. However, the inner part of the Earth remained very hot.See the fact file below for more information on the layers of ...
Learn more about space in the video below. 5. Earth rotates at around 1000 miles an hour. We don’t feel the Earth itself spinning because we are held close to the Earth’s surface by gravity – that’s probably good because we would feel very dizzy moving that fast! 6. Earth’s at...
3. The Earth's core is made of metal! Mostly iron and nickel, in fact. This core is hot, and we mean HOT; in fact it's about the same temperature as the surface of the sun! Luckily there are several layers between the core and us which stops us feeling too toasty!
Ukraine for Kids | Geography Ukraine is often referred to as the second largest country in Europe - after neighbouring Russia. Russia is in fact larger, about 28 times larger in land area than Ukraine. However, Russia is a transcontinental country spreading over the European and Asian continents...
Earth is the only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free oxygen. True | False 2. The Earth orbits around the Moon in about 365 days or approximately a year. True | False 3. The Moon is a rounded astronomical body that orbits the Earth, serving as the planet's only ...