Saturn comes in at amassive size, second only to Jupiter in our Solar System. It has a diameter of about 72,367 miles (116,460 kilometers), nearly nine times the diameter of Earth. If you want to get a sense of just how big that is, you could fit about 764 Earths inside Saturn!
Ganymede, largest of Jupiter’s satellites and of all the satellites in the solar system. One of the Galilean moons, it was discovered by the Italian astronomer Galileo in 1610. It was probably also discovered independently that same year by the German a
about 2,440 km (1,516 miles), Mercury is the smallest major planet, smaller even thanJupiter’slargestmoon,Ganymede, orSaturn’slargest moon,Titan. In addition, Mercury is unusuallydense. Although its meandensityis roughly that of Earth’s, it has less mass and so is less compressed by ...
, andKuiper beltobjects, also have moons. No moons haveyetbeen discovered aroundextrasolar planets. The solar system’s moons range in size from tens of metres across, the diameter of small bodies inorbitaround asteroids, to 5,262 km (3,270 miles), the diameter of Jupiter’s moonGanymede....
Juno, U.S. space probe designed to orbit the planet Jupiter. It is named for the Roman goddess who is the female counterpart to the god Jupiter. Juno orbits Jupiter every 11 days in a highly elliptical orbit over the planet’s poles. Unlike previous prob