Presents news briefs on the computer industry as of October 29, 2001. Contracts signed by Dell Computer Corp. with EMC; Appointment of Cosmo Santullo as president and chief executive officer of SonicWall; Decision of Intel Corp. to shut d...
River Severn,Britain’slongestriverfrom source to tidal waters—about 180 miles (290 km) long, with the Severnestuaryadding some 40 miles (64 km) to its total length. The Severn rises near theRiver Wyeon the northeastern slopes ofPlynlimon(Welsh: Pumlumon),Wales, and follows a semicircular...
hTehheeahleinaglinogf thoef ctohrenecaoronbetainoebdtaaifntedr rhafNteGrFrthrNeaGtmFetnrteoaftmpaetnietnotsf wpaitihenptesrswisitehnpt eerpsitshtenlitalepdietfheecltisaludnerefescptosnusnivrestpoolnusbirviecatnot,luthberircaapnetu, tihcecroanpteauctticlecnosnetsaactndlenamsens iaontidc ammem...
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