选择希望受众采取的操作。您可以在公共主页顶端添加行动号召,引导公共主页访客采取目标操作,例如访问网站或拨打实体店电话。了解如何添加行动号召按钮 相关课程 学习Meta Blueprint 课程,了解如何创建 Facebook 公共主页以及壮大粉丝规模等 通过公共主页创建广告
选择Facebook Page公共主页以及Instagram account,需提前注册。 (4)Ad settings广告设置 可以选Create ad创建广告/Use existing post使用现有贴文/Use Creative Gallery samples使用创意馆样图等三种方式进行设置广告,一般会有创建广告,主动提交广告素材。 (5)Format格式 可以选择单图或轮播 Single picture or video单图...
Facebook 是一个联系朋友的社交工具。大家可以通过它和朋友、同事、同学以及周围的人保持互动交流,分享无限上传的图片,发布链接和视频,更可以增进对朋友的 ...
点击右上角的Create a Page菜单。 后续的步骤只要按照提示要求将每一项信息都输入完毕,即可创建成功,这里不再赘述。 在页面创建成功之后,就要开始完善页面的基本信息,这里有以下几个地方需要注意。 ① 页面一共有10种模板可供选择,每一种对应特定的模块布局和功能,我们应根据业务类型做出选择,可选的类目包括:Shopping...
Facebook Group vs. Facebook Page How to Create a Facebook Group How to Pin a Post in a Facebook Group How to Create a Poll in a Facebook Group How to Create a Private Facebook Group Facebook Group Management Tips Yes, you should create a Facebook group for your business, but it ...
1. Create a new page from your personal Facebook account Creating a business page requires a personal Facebook account, so if you don’t have one of those, be sure to set one up first. Once you’re logged in to your personal account, navigate to the menu on the left side and click...
1. Create a Facebook Page As you probably know, the majority of Facebook is made up of personal profiles. However, if you’re a business looking to establish your presence on the social network, you’ll need tocreate a Pageinstead. ...
Step 2: Create a Facebook Page The Facebook Page is where the majority of your marketing will take place. You will run ads through your page, host events, stream live video, and interact with your audience. Pages are the hub of most public-facing organizations. They can — for the m...
You can learn how to build a page using Static HTML iFrame Tabs: Read Tutorial:Create A Facebook Page with Static HTML / iFrame Tabs 2. Wildfire WildFire– iFrame app is currently free and is easy-to-use, affordable and highly effective marketing tool to engage regular internet users or bu...
Facebook social media report– you can export your Facebook Page analytics into an Excel file How to create in-depth Facebook and Instagram analytics reports in 2 minutes Here at NapoleonCat, we strive to make the reporting process as easy and intuitive as possible. ...