This is a great way to build buzz around a new product: People will be reading about its functionality and benefits far more intently than if you showed them an ad. And they’ll be sharing it with all of their friends to get votes for their entry. This is even a great way for new ...
2.设置【预算】、决定是否开启【动态素材】、【排期】 (1)动态素材(Dynamic creative):可同时选共 10 个图片或视频、5 条文案和标题, fb会进行动态组合展示,选出最好的组合; (2)预算:分为日预算和总预算,只有设置总预算时可分时段进行投放。 (3)排期:可设置广告开启时间/结束时间/分时段投放 3.确定是否...
Get your free creative brief template for video Make your ads come to life on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and more. Create compelling video ads for social media with Shopify's creative brief template. Learn More Facebook Marketplace ad sizes You can also run ads on Facebook Marketplace, ...
AdCreative.ai自动化批量生产广告素材工具+10个素材制作工具推荐 这是一个能够在几秒钟内生成注重转化的广告和社交媒体帖子创意的ai智能工具。 花虞HY聊跨境电商 · 2023-04-18 如何查看和分析成效数据(KPI)及Facebook广告优化 利用成效分析工具,便调整下一步的Facebook广告投放! YinoLink易诺 · 2019-04-...
Report this ad 1 I am currently attempting to use the Facebook Java SDK to create Facebook Ads/Ad Creative. Here is my code so far: AdCreative adCreative = new AdAccount(id, context).createAdCreative() .setActorId("15726030300") .setObjectId("15726030300") .setName("Temp") .set...
In this article, I’ll show you many differentFacebook carousel ad examples, 12 creative ways to use them, how businesses make the best of this ad type, and a few best practices that will inspire you. But first thing’s first.
<Ad setup> 这步可以选择<Create Ad>直接创建新广告,也可以选择<Use existing post> 使用已经有的帖子,或者<Use creative hub mockup> 这个就是在 这个里面可以自己创建一些后面可以复用的广告的模板,在这一步可以拿出来用。我们现在直接先选<Create Ad> 然后下面的这些选项里面,我们主要...
Unsubscribe anytime. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Shopify. By proceeding, you agree to theTerms and ConditionsandPrivacy Policy. Sell anywhere with Shopify Learn on the go. Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools you need to start, run, and gro...
首先给你的广告起个名称,选择你要打的广告主页,放上你的素材,文案。注意:如果在ad set种选择开启ads creative的话,图片或者视频素材也是可以放十个内容的,但这样子的一个缺点就是,开启ads creative的广告组里面只能放一个广告,想要复制新的广告只能连广告组一起复制。