精确可解或不变测度与地图之一是众所周知的乌拉姆冯诺伊曼图 [9] f = x(1−x) (Logisticmapfor μ = 1)。在这里我们概括的单参数家庭的地图不变测度,地图参考 [10] 在哪里拓扑共轭焦虑地图 (广义乌拉姆 Von Neumann) 此层次结构的层次结构,这些地图。
下面哪些参数与同频切换相关。()A.eventA3OffsetB.s-MeasureC.hysteresisD.ThreshServingLow搜索 题目 下面哪些参数与同频切换相关。() A.eventA3OffsetB.s-MeasureC.hysteresisD.ThreshServingLow 答案 ABC 解析收藏 反馈 分享
【多选题】以下哪些参数与同频切换相关()A. A.eventA3offset B. B.s-MeAsure C. C.hysteresis D. D.ThreshServ
aOne of the exactly solvable, one dimensional maps or the map with invariant measure is the well known Ulam-Von Neumann map [9] f(x)= x(1−x) (Logisticmapfor μ = 1). Here we generalize thesemaps to a Hierarchy of one-parameter familiesof maps with invariant measure, where the map...
aOne of the exactly solvable, one dimensional maps or the map with invariant measure is the well known Ulam-Von Neumann map [9] f(x)= x(1−x) (Logisticmapfor μ = 1). Here we generalize these maps to a Hierarchy of one-parameter families of maps with invariant measure, where the...