さらに、英国内のすべての企業は行政機関である企業登記局(Companies House)へ年次決算書(Annual accounts)を提出する義務があり、提出された年次決算書は公開企業・非公開企業を問わず、すべて公衆の縦覧に供されます。 また、英国において準拠すべき会計基準には国際財務報告基準(International Financ...
さらに、英国内のすべての企業は行政機関である企業登記局(Companies House)へ年次決算書(Annual accounts)を提出する義務があり、提出された年次決算書は公開企業・非公開企業を問わず、すべて公衆の縦覧に供されます。 また、英国において準拠すべき会計基準には国際財務報告基準(Internation...
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Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients, nor does it own or control any member firm or act as the headquarters of any member firm. Information about how EY collects and uses person...
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https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/09144707/officers 最后我们一起来看看所谓的官网新发现! https://www.blockeyworld.com/login.html 这是一个处理过的IP,世界一流公司不可能官网才3个月,这个你又怎么解释?不是英国吗?离日本也不近呀!隔着太平洋呢!想必是租的吧!
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conducted by Lighthouse, with FCs in late 2007. It also draws on global Ernst & Young research carried out with CFOs — available in full on request at fcnetwork@uk.ey. The FC research is based on 44 interviews carried out in September, October and November 2007. Sixteen of these...
Our Transaction Tax professionals advise companies and private equity investors on all tax aspects of their transactions across a wide range of industries and geographies. Transaction Tax at EY is the fastest growing Transaction Tax / Mergers & Acquistions Tax practice in the UK. We're involved ...