A Possible Explanation of Quantum Mechanics Any limit to observer self-knowledge implies an uncertainty of external observation. It is proposed that for "homogeneous" observers made up of only a few types of mathematically equal particles, the external world suffers a distortion. ... OE Rössler...
Thus, a deterministic local explanation of quantum mechanics is accessible in principle under one condition: that a distinction between two levels of reality (exo and endo), one valid externally and the other only for the internal observer, is introduced. In this case an external reality can, ...
Some implications of the latter are briefly discussed.doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5682-0_24Billie Jack DaltonSpringer NetherlandsDalton, B. J. (1995) A fundamental force as the deterministic explanation of quantum mechanics, Preprint presented at this conference....
Energy is conserved, so spontaneous electron capture is only possible if the nucleus with n protons and m neutrons has a higher energy of configuration than a nucleus of n-1 protons and m+1 neutrons, which is not usually the case, as such nuclei have decayed already into more st...
I recently came across a concept in quantum physics called Quasiparticles. They seemed interesting so, I did a little bit of research about them. However, I still don't understand what they are. The Wikipedia page described them as "collective excitations of particles", but I didn't ...
3) interpretation of quantum measurement 量子测量解释4) interpretation of quantum mechanics 量子力学解释 1. Four clues to the argument over interpretation of quantum mechanics; 量子力学解释之论争的四条线索 2. Tension between interpretation force and additional requirements:multi-perspective ...
Based onPhilosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Introduction Heisenberg has described the uncertainty in quantum mechanics in uncertainty principle, and Reichenbach take it as probability variation. So on the basis of their works, can we find any causal model of explanation to the uncertainty?
Elements of a “deeper level” explanation of the deBroglie–Bohm (dBB) version of quantum mechanics are presented. Our explanation is based on an analogy of quantum wave-particle duality with bouncing droplets in an oscillating medium, the latter being identified as the vacuum’s zero-point fie...
The thesis of this paper is that Information, Cognitionand a Principle of Existence are intrinsically structured in the quantum model ofreality. We reach such evidence by using the Clifford algebra. We analyze quantizationin some traditional cases of quantum mechanics and, in particular in quantum ...
String theory, in particle physics, a theory that attempts to merge quantum mechanics with Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The name string theory comes from the modeling of subatomic particles as tiny one-dimensional ’stringlike’ entit