按日期 - 从最新到最早 按价格 - 从高到低 按价格 - 从低到高 按星级评定 - 从高到低 Exos X Mozaic 3+ (魔彩盒 3+) 容量: 30TB - 32TB Mozaic 3+ (魔彩盒 3+) 以空前的面密度(至少 3TB/磁盘)提供海量存储空间。 了解详情 Exos X24 容量: 12TB - 24TB Exos 2X18 容量: 16TB - ...
Seagate日前推出全球容量最大,高达30TB的Exos X Mozaic 3+ 机械式硬盘,它主要面向企业和数据中心市场。该硬盘通过配备十个3TB磁盘,达到了每平方英寸1.742TB的超高密度。此外,硬盘还采用了最先进的磁场读取传感器和12nm集成控制器,相比旧款效率获三倍提升。在接受网站Tech Radar的采访时,Seagate执行副总裁BS Teh...
Mozaic 3+平台为希捷的旗舰Exos系列产品提供支持,带来了首款30TB机械硬盘Exos X Mozaic 3+,将会在本季度交付给超大规模数据中心客户,预计本季度末客户会完成相关认证工作。新产品共有10片碟片,密度相当于每平方英寸1.742TB。 希捷称,Mozaic 3+平台的产品在用料方面与过去的PMR硬盘大致相同,但是容量显著增加,每TB能耗...
Discover Exos Mozaic 3+, where mass capacity, unprecedented areal density, and proven performance combine for storage that’s hyper-efficient and more sustainable than ever.
Discover Exos Mozaic 3+, where mass capacity, unprecedented areal density, and proven performance combine for storage that’s hyper-efficient and more sustainable than ever.
Discover Exos Mozaic 3+, where mass capacity, unprecedented areal density, and proven performance combine for storage that’s hyper-efficient and more sustainable than ever.
Discover Exos Mozaic 3+, where mass capacity, unprecedented areal density, and proven performance combine for storage that’s hyper-efficient and more sustainable than ever.