Solved: I worked on this drawing a month ago and need to make some edits now, but both the model space and paper space are blank (in the screenshot a
Current behavior Current RouterConfig allows route definitions with a "data" parameter (as of 3.0.0-beta.1; see:f2f1ec0). This data seems to be inaccessible via the documented RouteData as described on Additionally, it seems that ActivatedRoute exposes data as public, but I've ...
Dropdownlist is accepting 'selected', but isn't rendering that option as selected Dropdownlist multiselect using sumoselect on post Dropdownlist Onclick DropdownList selected value not selected DropDownListFor blank entry DropDownListFor not showing in html view, but it is showing in Chrome's inspect el...
I have the following code working for my requirement, but its checking case sensitivity. How can use it ignoring case sensitivity...?复制 Dim SrtList() As String = {"abc","qwe","zxc"} Dim chkStr As String = "abc" If strList.contains(chkStr) Then MsgBox ("Item Exists") Else ...
It is standard behavior of GitHub Desktop to fetch the parent repo. It is impossible to remove the upstream parent. A bunch of posts about this issue on the GitHub Desktop forums suggest that is in non-ideal, but is probably a rare edge case for GitHub Desktop use. I wanted to highligh...
ThomasE.DeCoursey MolecularBiophysicsandPhysiology,Rush expertinhisorherfield,butnotnecessarily intheothersub-fieldsrelevanttoaparticular manuscript.Sharingthereferees'comments isessentialtothelearning(andinsomecases SIR —YourrecentEditorial(Nature439, UniversityMedicalCenter,1750 WestHarrison validation/checking)...
Check if a value is present in a group of strings Check if group is expanded or collapsed. Check if Value is NULL Checkbox Filter Option in Report Builder Cleaning up ReportServerTempdb Segment and Related Tables Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'. client foun...
*Edit:*I found a possible solution: I simply removed the right side of the string. The problem now is that now matter what, RecordExists does not return true. I even tried commenting out all the code and just putting in "return true;", but I still got back a false. I'll have ...