Police Conduct, Exigent Circumstances, and Fourth AmendmentSlane, Alton Joseph
King, the Supreme Court held that police officers may not rely on the exigent circumstances exception to justify a warrantless search if the officers created the exigency by violating or threatening to violate the Fourth Amendment. The Court considered six possible tests to identify when the police...
United States v. MacDonald: The Exigent Circumstances Exception and the Erosion of the Fourth AmendmentSee Barbara C. Salken, Balancing Exigency and Privacy in Warrantless Searches to PreventDestruction of States v. Collazo9' held that exigent circumstances did not justify a warrant- lessentry. ...
Out for Blood: The Expansion of Exigent Circumstances and Erosion of the Fourth AmendmentTyler M. Ludwig
Interception of Communications in Exigent Circumstances: The Fourth Amendment, Federal Legislation, and the United States Department of Justice* The Watergate scandal of the early 1970s should suffice to destroy any illusions that the United States is somehow inherently immune from the misuse of these...
THE SUPREME COURT 2010 TERM: LEADING CASES: I. Constitutional Law: B. Fourth Amendment: 1. Exigent Circumstances ExceptionKentucky v. King
First Amendment Exception to Copyright for Exigent Circumstances, AConflict between the first amendment and the Copyright Act is inevitable. Courts, however, have managed to dodge the first amendment question in copyright cases. In nearly every case the dodging has been accomplished by differentiating ...