Tronchet, Jean M. JInstitut de Chimie Pharmaceutique de l'Université de Genève 30, quai Ernest‐Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4 (SuisseOjha‐Poncet, JoëlleInstitut de Chimie Pharmaceutique de l'Université de Genève 30, quai Ernest‐Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4 (SuisseWinter‐Mihaly, Eva...
These rocks undergo prograde and retrograde metamorphism during burial and exhumation, respectively. During exhumation, deformation evolves from ductile to brittle. The present thesis consists in an analysis of the successive deformations recorded by the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) in Greece during a ...
of the two geometrical isomers of methyl 1-bromocyclopropane 1,2-dicarboxylate has been investigated: - for the trans isomer, electrolysis carried out in the presence of NH 4 + ions give rise to a 90% retention ratio while 90% of inversion is attained when Bu 4 N + cations are present....
The data are best rationalized on the basis of a hindered rotation about the N–CHO bond. The attribution of the signals to each conformation is obtained from the chemical shifts in the low field region and from the pattern of the aromatic protons.Hootele, C....