使用Exchange Online PowerShell 打开 ABP 路由 若要在 Exchange Online 组织中启用 ABP 路由,请运行以下命令: PowerShell复制 Set-TransportConfig-AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled$true 有关语法和参数的详细信息,请参阅Set-TransportConfig。 若要验证是否已成功启用 ABP 路由,请使用以下步骤之一: ...
可以使用 Set-AddressBookPolicy cmdlet 更改 ABP 的设置。 下面是有关如何执行此操作的示例。以下命令将“所有组”地址列表添加到名为 Staff 的ABP: PowerShell 复制 Set-addressbookpolicy staff.abp -addresslists "All Groups","\Mailbox of students","\All Distribution Lists","\All Staff 以下命令将“...
Set-AddressBookPolicy -Identity "All Fabrikam ABP" -OfflineAddressBook \Fabrikam-OAB-2 AddressLists 參數接受多個值,因此您必須決定是否要取代 ABP 中的現有通訊清單,或新增和移除通訊清單,而不會影響 ABP 中的其他通訊清單。 本範例會將 ABP 中名為 Government Agency A 的現有通訊清單取代為指定的通訊清單。
使用Exchange Online PowerShell 將 ABP 指派給信箱使用者 有三種基本方法可用來將ABP套用至信箱: 個別信箱:使用下列語法: PowerShell Set-Mailbox-Identity<MailboxIdentity>-AddressBookPolicy<ABPIdentity> 此範例會將名為 All Fabrikam 的 ABP 指派給信箱 joe@fabrikam.com。
Address Book New-OfflineAddressBook -name "OABacloudiot" -AddressLists "GALacloudiot" 5)创建 Room List(小编比较懒,创建了一个空的会议室列表,用户可以根据实际情况添加) New-AddressList -name "RMacloudiot" 6)创建 Address Book Policy New-AddressBookPolicy -name "ABPacloudiot" -AddressLists "ALa...
Offline address book limit: The maximum number of offline address books (OAB) that can be created in an Exchange Online or Exchange Server organization. Address book policies limit: The maximum number of address book policies (ABP) that can be created in an Exchange Online or ...
Install-TransportAgent -Name "ABP Routing Agent" -TransportAgentFactory "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.AddressBookPolicyRoutingAgent.AddessBookPolicyRoutingAgentFactory" -AssemblyPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Agents\AddressBookPolicyRoutingAgent\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport...
If you're using ABPs, and you don't want the users in the ABPs to view each other's potentially private information, you can turn on the Address Book Policy Routing agent. The ABP Routing agent is a Transport agent that controls how recipients are resolved in your organization. When the...
If you change an ABP, the updated APB takes effect when a user restarts or reconnects their client app, or you restart the Mailbox server (specifically, the Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service in the backend services).Address Book Policy Routing agent...
下列命令會將 [所有群組] 位址列表尋址至名為 Students 的ABP: PowerShell 複製 Set-addressbookpolicy students.abp -addresslists "All Groups", "\Mailbox of students" 注意 如果系統管理員未獲指派通訊清單角色, Set-AddressBookPolicy 則無法使用 Cmdlet。 若要建立角色指派,請使用下列命令:Power...