Valve, the valve chamber a mobile relief valve includes a valve chamber constitutes comprises a first portion and a second portion having a seat between the first portion and a second portion of the valve chamber. 阀瓣设置在阀腔内,它包括一中空圆柱体的第一部分,阀瓣的第一部分插在阀腔的第二...
英语解释 excess flow valve excess flow valve是什么意思、excess flow valve怎么读 excess flow valve汉语翻译 【化】 过流阀
flow metering valve 流量控制阀 free flow valve 易流阀,自由流动阀 flow distributing and collecting valve 分流集流阀 相似单词 excess n. 1.[U] 超过;过度;过分 2.[U,C] 超过的量;过多的量 3.[C] 免赔额;自负额 4. 放肆行为;越轨行为 adj. 超额的;额外的;附加的;过度的 flow v. [I]...
166型过流阀 Excess FLow Valves也称超流阀,适用于流体管道的流量超过设计额定值时,流体管道自动关闭,并且在管道二边衡压后将自动重新打开。产品型号:厂商性质:生产厂家更新时间:2024-07-30访 问 量:5328立即咨询 联系电话:021-57566219产品详情 品牌 其他品牌加工定制 是 连接形式 法兰材质 碳钢,不锈钢 适用介质...
excess flow valve 英 [ɪkˈses fləʊ vælv] 美 [ɪkˈses floʊ vælv]网络 溢流阀; 流量阀; 过流阀; 超流阀
166型过流阀 Excess FLow Valves单法兰形式,属于溢流单向阀,与美国MGM过量流量止回阀一样,在阀瓣机构中配备孔口,以实现压力平衡,并且在管道二边衡压后将自动重新打开。法兰将适合150#或300#法兰的螺栓样式。阀门的两侧都应使用标准垫圈。 过流阀材质表: 阀体:不锈钢(低温) 提升阀:不锈钢 螺母:不锈钢 弹簧:不锈钢...
Excess flow valve 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献EXCESS FLOW CHECK VALVE This disclosure describes an improved valve, which may be used as a check valve, in which the flow of fluid in the direction to close the valve, is designed to operate the closure mechanism at a preselected rate of...
Excess flow valveBaird Carl E
It is intended to provide a excess flow valve is to be provided, in which the setting / change of the closing by flux and thus also without structural changes, even after the production is possible. In particular, it should be made possible that the adjustment of the closing by flow takes...