SPILL! 4950 -- 2:53 App FILTER+XLOOKUP函数提取不连续列的数据 557 -- 1:48 App XLOOKUP模糊匹配、屏蔽错误值 3.6万 1 1:37 App 财务人员不加班!必会的3个Excel函数! 8453 -- 2:12 App Vlookup三大用法——多条件查找 405 -- 0:34 App AI-Excel 105 -- 0:13 App xlookup函数的10大...
And since you get the SPILL error it means you are using a modern Excel version. Perhaps better to acquaint yourself with XLOOKUP. No need for an update, using Ctrl-Shift-Enter or any of the other suggestions bySaima14. I suspect that they come directly from an AI robot. As such,...
And since you get the SPILL error it means you are using a modern Excel version. Perhaps better to acquaint yourself with XLOOKUP. No need for an update, using Ctrl-Shift-Enter or any of the other suggestions by@Saima14. I suspect that they come directly from an AI robot. As such, ...
Or use XLOOKUP instead of VLOOKUP. Not only will these save you from headaches but also from wasting time doing things the long way. Get access to the CourseHERE. Other Reasons for #SPILL! There are some more exotic reasons for why the#SPILL!error can occur. The previously mentioned reaso...
√ XLOOKUP(365)——可以取代VLOOKUP甚至是INDEXMATCH,更加灵活且强大。 √ INDEX——功能全面且灵活,适用于表格和动态数组。 √ MATCH——该函数可与INDEX和其他函数组合使用,令其更加灵活。 √ TEXT——利用该函数可将日期和数字转换为文本格式。 √ IFERROR——可以处理所有公式中的错误值,但#SPILL!错误除外。
XLOOKUP(365)——可以取代VLOOKUP甚至是INDEXMATCH,更加灵活且强大。 INDEX——功能全面且灵活,适用于表格和动态数组。 MATCH——该函数可与INDEX和其他函数组合使用,令其更加灵活。 TEXT——利用该函数可将日期和数字转换为文本格式。 IFERROR——可以处理所有公式中的...
图6.3:XLOOKUP 返回多个相邻列 要返回多个非相邻列,我们需要在返回数组参数中使用 CHOOSECOLS 函数来返回所选列(参见图 6.4): 图6.4:XLOOKUP 返回多个非相邻列 =XLOOKUP(I3,SalesTable[Customer],CHOOSECOLS(SalesTable[[ Date]:[Amount]],1,3))
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