您可以使用 Excel 中的条件格式根据当前日期突出显示日期。例如,您可以自动格式化今天之前或今天之后的日期。在本教程中,我们将逐步指导您如何在条件格式中使用 TODAY 函数,轻松在 Excel 工作表中强调截止日期或即将到来的日期。 使用条件格式突出显示今天之前的日期或未来的日期 使用Kutools AI 突出显示今天之前的日期或...
=IF(D5<TODAY(),"Submitted","Not Submitted") Here, theIF functionperforms a logical test which is the value in cellD5is less than today’s date. If the condition is true, then it’ll showSubmittedin cellE5. Otherwise, it showsNot Submittedin the cell. PressEnter. Method 3 – Applyin...
=COUNTIF(E4:E13,TODAY()) TODAY() returns today’s datevalue. You’ll get the count of today’s date throughout the dataset. Read More:COUNTIF Date Is within 7 Days Example 12 – Count Dates Less Than Today You can count the past dates fromTODAYusing theless than (<)in theCOUNTIFf...
Alt + H + D + S –Remove duplicatesCtrl + Shift + % – Apply percentage formattingCtrl + ; – Insert current dateCtrl + Shift + : – Insert current time=IF(condition, value if true, value if false) – Basic IF function=VLOOKUP(lookup value, range, column index, exact match) – ...
Step 4 - Check if weekday is less than 7 (Saturday) The WEEKDAY function returns a number from 1 to 7 identifying the day of the week of a date. WEEKDAY(C$4)<7 becomes WEEKDAY(40391)<7 and returns TRUE. Step 5 - Check if weekday number is larger than 1 (Sunday) WEEKDAY(C...
=SUMIF($A$2:$A$12,"<" &E2,$C$2:$C$12)(Use a cell reference) 2. If you need to sum values that the dates are greater than or less than today’s date, you should apply the below formula: =SUMIF($A$2:$A$12,"<"&TODAY(),$C$2:$C$12)(sum if less than today) ...
'Check if selected cell is one of the cells in cell range B8:O33 and that only one cell is selected and if selected cell's value is a date ElseIfNotIntersect(Target, Range("B8:O33"))IsNothingAndTarget.Cells.Count = 1AndIsDate(Target.Value)Then ...
If the logic is correct, it will return a certain value; if the logic is False, it will return a different value. For example, if the BMI of athletics is less than 23.9, the formula will return the string “Fit”, else “Unfit”. It is quite useful to convert numerical values ...
Limit the use of the volatile functions in a workbook. You do not have to have hundreds of cells that use the TODAY or NOW function. If you have to have the current date and time in your spreadsheet, use the function one time, and then reference the function through a defined name of...
–Perfect tutorial to learn how to manipulate arrays, text, date and time –You will learn how to handle time-consuming analytics tasks with ease –If you want to become an expert at Excel, then this is the perfect tutorial for you. ...