Sub Range_RandomNumber() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xStrRange As String Dim xRg, xCell, xRg1 As Range Dim xArs As Areas Dim xNum_Lowerbound As Integer Dim xNum_Upperbound As Integer Dim xI, xJ, xS, xR As Integer xStrRange = "A1:B20" xNum_Lowerbound = 100 xNum_Upperbound =...
第一步: 点击Kutools>Insert>Insert Sequence Number. 第一步: 在里面Insert Sequence Number对话框中,单击New按钮。 第一步:它将展开对话框,在左下方的面板中,创建您自己的序列号,并根据需要指定序列名称和前缀或后缀。 同时,您可以在右下方的列表框中预览自定义序列的结果。 看截图: 第一步:然后单击Add按钮将...
SubRandomSort()'Update by ExtendOfficeDimxRgAsRangeDimxNum,xF,xIAsIntegerDimxWSh,xAWShAsWorksheetOnErrorResumeNextApplication.ScreenUpdating=FalseApplication.DisplayAlerts=FalseSetxAWSh=Application.ActiveSheetSetxRg=ActiveWindow.RangeSelectionSetxWSh=Worksheets.Add xNum=xRg.CountForxF=xNumTo1Step-1xI=Worksh...
Run this code. It’ll create a series of random numbers from1to10in the rangeC4:C13of the worksheet with repetition. Read More:How to Generate Random Number with Excel VBA Generating Random Numbers in a Range without Repetition We’ll assign each student a unique team. That means we’ll ...
1. Hold down ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module window. VBA code: Generate random numbers without duplicates Sub Range_RandomNumber() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xStrRange As String...
Dim cell As Range Dim randomArray() As Double Dim i As Long ' 设定需要排序的范围 Set rng = Selection ReDim randomArray(1 To rng.Rows.Count) ' 为每个单元格生成随机数 For Each cell In rng i = cell.Row - rng.Row + 1 randomArray(i) = Rnd() ...
Method 2 – Insert a Function to Create a Range of Numbers to Assign a Value or Category in Excel We will use a new dataset that has 2 columns. The columns are titled with Number and Assigned Value. It contains some random numbers in 3 successive rows. We want to assign a number (su...
//to fill in a large range that time comsuming } finally { this.Application.ScreenUpdating = oldScreenUpdate; } 2.2 Application中返回的对象 从Application对象中可以获取很多有用的对象。如ActiveCell返回当前活动的单元格;ActiveChart,返回当前选中的活动的图表;ActiveSheet、ActiveWindows分别返回活动的Sheet页和...
Random:以随机方式打开,如果未指定方式,则以 Random 方式打开文件。 filenumber 是一个有效的文件号,范围在 1 到 511 之间。可以指定,也可使用 FreeFile 函数可得到下一个可用的文件号。 说明:如果 pathname 指定的文件不存在,那么,在用 Append、Binary、Output、或 Random 方式打开文件时,可以建立这一文件。
Excel.Worksheet ws = (Excel.Worksheet)this.Application.ActiveSheet; Excel.Range rng = ws.get_Range("RandomNumbers", Type.Missing); System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) ws.Cells[i, 2] = rnd.Next(100); rng.Sort(rng, Excel.XlSortOrder.xlAscend...