Marian Enache,;Deputy Secretary;General Chamber;of Deputies,;Romanian Parliament;;scientificresearcher,;The Romanian;Institute for;Human Rights;;Ph.D.;in constitutional law and;politicalinstitutions.;Research fields:;constitutional law,;parliamentary law,;administrative law,;election lawprivate;law.VIP美中...
As was noted by the “father of modern linguistics” Ferdinand de Saussure, the association of sound and meaning of a word is largely random: the sound of house is neither more appropriate to the concept nor better for the “survival of the fittest” than maison (French), dom (Russian), ...
*Trump is getting deeper and deeper into trouble as the Mar-a-Lago search and affidavit come to light. First, the Justice Departmenthas already set aside those documentsseized from Trump’s mansion that might be subject to attorney-client privilege. This is a blow to Trump, because the DOJ ...
Today’s Sunday, which means that we have photos from biologistJohn Avise, who has moved from birds to lepidopterans. John’s captions and IDs are indented, and you can enlarge his photos by clicking on them: Butterflies in North America, Part 2 This week continues the series on butterflies...
At the end of the XVI century, one of the last private collections of maritime customs - Guidon de la mer appeared in France. Its status is somewhat different from that of previous collections, as it`s officially supplemented by decrees and ordinances of the French kings. There was an ...
described as natural history." To do him justice we must remember, as Dr. John Brown says, "in the midst of what a mass of errors and prejudices, of theories actively mischievous, he was placed, at a time when the mania of hypothesis was at its height, and when the practica...
L’intégration de l’intelligence artificielle, en particulier des algorithmes d’apprentissage profond, représente une transformation de la radiothérapie, introduisant l’espoir d’une amélioration de la précision, de l’efficacité et de la personnalisation des traitements. Cet article explore l...
I lost, but my point is that justice was not served until the oral arguments were heard. Before the oral arguments, the decision to dismiss relied on the reading and writing skills of all concerned. When you ask someone in authority for an appointment to explain why they are doing ...
Among those to lend their support was Radosław Fogiel, an MP and former spokesman for the Law and Justice (PiS) party that ruled Poland until this week. Ahead of Magellan’s semi-final against Stubsi, a rival from Germany, Fogiel tweeted: “Magellan needs you! Here’s our chance to ...
Cyprus: CY, Czech Republic: CZ, Finland: FI, France: FR, Germany: DE, Greece: EL, Hungary: HU, Italy: IT, Latvia: LV, Netherlands: NL, Poland: PL, Portugal: PT, Romania: RO, Serbia: RS, Slovakia: SK, Slovenia: SI, Spain: ES, Sweden: SE, Switzerland: CH, Turkey: TR, Ukraine...