Her commitment to chastity earned her the title “Lily of the Mohawks,” drawing on the flower’s symbolism of purity in Christian iconography. Artistic depictions of Tekakwitha often feature a lily and cross, with feathers or a turtle added to acknowledge her Mohawk heritage. She acquired seve...
She encouraged all the Sisters to embrace this same trust, telling them, “None of us will fail if we leave everything in the hands of God. Under Him, the question of possible and impossible ceases to have any meaning.” It quickly became clear to the nuns at Codogno that they could ...
Francis, for his part, was impressed and deeply moved at Catarina’s heroic resistance to the threats of her family, and he realized what spiritual treasures dwelt in the soul of this young girl. As he had done with Clare, he cut off Catarina’s long, lovely hair, and gave her a roug...